1945 Front-Tie Trousers & Shorts, T40-5490 Trousers practical easy-care

Size Set A: Trousers, 24" to 32" waist B: Trousers, 34" to 40" waist

T40-5490; 1945 Front-Tie Trousers & Shorts

7-piece pattern originally by Vogue, ‘Built-up waist line.  Dart-fitted at back.  Fronts extended for ties at center front [with] soft fullness below.’

SUGGESTED FABRICS: Linen, gabardine, sharkskin, denim, flannel, wool jersey, tweed, Shantung, ribbed silk or rayons.

5/8" seams are given. **NOTE: You will learn to adjust the height of the rise in this pattern. Illustrated instructions are given for a really good fit.** 


Size set A fits 12-20 (24" to 32" waist, 33" to 41" hip).

Size set B fits 40-46 (34" to 40" waist, 43" to 49" hip).

PATTERN NOT IN YOUR SIZE? I am happy to furnish an additional schematic showing where to adjust the pattern pieces with instructions on how to go about it upon request.